October 2024
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Wat’s Nuut?


Met sy besondere lengte en diepte van lyf en lang sterk bene, produseer die Merino Landskaap ‘n swaar karkasgewig op enige markbare ouderdom.  Dit is ‘n skaap met ‘n groot raamwerk, goeie stap vermoë, goeie wei vermoë, goed aangepas onder sowel ekstensiewe as intensiewe toestande met ‘n hoë vrugbaarheid, goeie moedereienskappe, hoë melkproduksie en goeie wol. Die mikron telling wissel tussen 22 en 28.  Dit is ‘n suiwer wit wol wat goed in die handel aanvaar word en kan met vertroue in kruisteling met ander wolrasse gebruik word. Merino Landskaap ooie het baie melk en is buitengewoon goeie moeders.  Met goeie voeding is die ooi in staat om die groot persentasie twee- en drielinge goed groot te maak sonder enige melk aanvullings.  Met drie lamseisoene elke twee jaar kan die lam persentasie tot 200% wees.  Die klein lam by geboorte met sy vinnige gewigstoename maak dit vir die Merino Landskaap moontlik om met welsae met enige ras gekruis te word.  Om lammers van die veld af te bemark is ‘n algemene praktyk.Die Merino Landskaap is bekend vir sy groot raam en sy vermoë om ‘n karkas te produseer met relatief min vet wat goed oor die karkas versprei is.  As gevolg van die lengte van die skaap is daar ‘n hele paar ekstra rugtjops – die duurste snit in ‘n skaap.Die Merino Landskaap met sy goeie dubbeldoel eienskappe verleen hom by uitstek tot vleis- en wolproduksie ……. die twee vernaamste inkomste bronne.

With its exceptional length and depth of body and long strong legs, the Merino Landsheep produces a heavy carcass weight at any marketable age.  It is a sheep with a large frame, good walking ability, good grazing ability, admirably adapted to both extensive and intensive conditions with high fertility, good mothering qualities, high milk production and good wool. The micron count varies between 22 and 28. It is a pure white wool that is well accepted in the trade and can be used with confidence in crossbreeding with other wool breeds. Merino Landsheep ewes have a lot of milk and are exceptionally good mothers.  With good nutrition, the ewe can raise the large percentage of twins and triplets well without any milk supplements.  With three lambing seasons every two years, the lambing percentage can be up to 200%.  The small lamb at birth with its rapid weight gain makes it possible for the Merino Landsheep to be successfully crossed with any breed.  Marketing lambs from the field is a common practice. The Merino Landsheep is known for its large frame and its ability to produce a carcass with relatively little fat that is well distributed over the carcass.  Due to the length of the sheep, there are quite a few extra back chops – the most expensive cut in a sheep. The Merino Landsheep with its good dual-purpose properties lends itself ideally to meat and wool production……. the two main sources of income.


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